Framework for teaching EFL/ESL students

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Dec 15, 2016
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I’m Josh – thanks for reading my post.

I have recently come across this forum and must say that I find it very inspiring to see so many people asking great questions and receiving great answers. Well done!

I have decided to post (my second ever post) about a lecture I have put together in the hopes of helping EFL/ESL teachers understand some of basic tenets of second language development.

If you have the time, please check it out:

I would really love your feedback and thoughts on the lecture and will try to reply on this forum to any questions you may have.

I look forward to collaborating with you all,
One problem with such mnemonics is that they imply that these are the only things required. The elements within them are important, but they aren't everything.
One problem with such mnemonics is that they imply that these are the only things required. The elements within them are important, but they aren't everything.

Hi Tdol,

Thanks for replying, although I am not sure of what you mean. The video is not actually on mnemonics. The mnemonic (i.e., acronym) should help you (the teacher or student) remember the main points to keep in mind when helping students learn a second language. Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type (FITT)

What do you think has been left out? In a ten-minute video I am sure there are plenty of things (as this is just a framework) - but could you be specific? I would be interested to read your points.

Thanks for posting.

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