finishing politely a tiring discussion

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Senior Member
Mar 18, 2017
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When you have a discussion that you find uninteresting, useless or tiring, what phrases do you say to finish it without being impolite? Make up some excuse like I have to go or I don't really have time? What if the discussion is online and the excuses like I have to go don't work? What do you say? :)
Very common, polite and ironic is

"I'd better let you go now."

The implication is that you rather than the other person are responsible for dragging out the conversation.
:lol: :up: I like it.

What if your interlocutor doesn't understand the hint or is just playing dumb and continues the conversation? Do you use any heavy artillery in such instances? :)
At that point I would just break it off with something like, "Can we continue this later? " followed by "I've got to run now" if I am able to physically depart or "I've got a lot of work to do right now" if not.
Thanks. That's what I was looking for.

Do you think there is some tiny per cent of those who would type you a message believing that you will reply after finishing your work? :)
Anything is possible. People are infinitely varied.
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