Film review - correct it please

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Jan 9, 2011
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The King's Speech is a British historical film directed by Tom Hooper based on the true story of King George VI. The movie does give great insight into the life of the royals, it is mainly a movie about human beings.
The story begins with future king known to his friends as “Bertie”. After the death of his father and his brother abdicates King George V , is suddenly crowned King George VI of England.
After many failed attempts of language correction, becouse of his life, Elizabeth , he will meet a voice coach , Lionel Logue who would help him to find the courage and to overcome his impediment. . Together, they work on Bertie’s problem with some funny and dramatic moments. With his incredible perseverance and with the support of Logue Bertie is able to find his voice and became the king he needed to be. The movie ends with the King of England overjoyed and smiling to himself,The actors give a brilliant performance and the old fashioned scenes combined with classical music creates an incredible atmosphere.

I thoroughly recommend this film becouse is a perfect combination of drama, humor, and history and it will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat.

If you can, correct it, thanks!
Hope this helps D.Alex.

The King's Speech is a British historical film directed by Tom Hooper, and based on the true story of King George VI. The movie [STRIKE]does[/STRIKE] gives great insight into the [STRIKE]life[/STRIKE] lives of the royals (or lives of the British Royal Family perhaps?). It is mainly a movie about human beings.
The story begins with the future king, known to his friends as “Bertie”, who, after the death of his father, and [STRIKE]his brother [/STRIKE]the abdication of his brother [STRIKE]King [/STRIKE]George [STRIKE]V[/STRIKE], is suddenly crowned King George VI of England.
After many failed attempts[STRIKE] of [/STRIKE]at language correction (this sounds a bit awkward. You might want to reword it), [STRIKE]becouse of his life,[/STRIKE] his wife Elizabeth introduces him to[STRIKE], he will meet [/STRIKE]a voice coach named Lionel Logue. [STRIKE]who would [/STRIKE]Logue helps [STRIKE]him[/STRIKE] the King to find the courage [STRIKE]and[/STRIKE] to overcome his impediment. Together they work on Bertie’s problem with some funny and dramatic moments. With his incredible perseverance and with the support of Logue, Bertie is able to find his voice and became the king he needed to be. The movie ends with the King of England overjoyed and smiling to himself. The actors give [STRIKE]a[/STRIKE] brilliant performances, and the old fashioned scenes combined with classical music create[STRIKE]s[/STRIKE] an incredible atmosphere.

I thoroughly recommend this film because it is a perfect combination of drama, humor, and history and it will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat.
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