[Grammar] Explaining participle clauses with context; classroom dilema

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Feb 4, 2017
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I got caught off guard the other day in a lesson. How would you answer the following question?

Grammar focus: Participle clauses
Task: Fill in the blank with either Present participle clause or Prefect participle clause.

"But when I was 18, _________ (work) hard to get the grades I needed, I decided I really wanted to pursue a career as an artist."

Answer: having worked hard

The student did not get the correct answer. I explained that 'he' had worked hard before deciding to become an artist and this explains his reasoning for making his decision. He decided to become an artist because he had worked hard to get the grades he needed.

The students asks, how do I know from this context that 'he' had worked hard before deciding to become an artist.
I could not come up with a logical explanation. What have I missed?

Thanks for you time,
I think the understanding comes largely from the fact that he's 18. This is often the point at which somebody has finished school, has gotten their grades and makes future decisions based thereon.
Not a teacher.

The present participle 'having' when placed before a past participle (worked) indicates a completed action. That's a rule in itself.

'Having worked hard (having already completed working hard) to get the grades I needed, I decided I really wanted to...'

Having improved my skills (having already completed improving my skills), I decided to take part in the competition.

Hope this helps.
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