[Grammar] Explaining me or explaining to me

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Sep 26, 2019
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Hello, I would like some help in figuring out whether "explaining me" is correct or it should be "explaining to me" instead in the following dialog:

-Hello, could you show me how to do this exercise?
-Sure! First you have to ... And this is is how it's done. Do you understand now?
-Yes, thank you for explaining me.

The ellipsis are used to omit the explanation.

Thank you for your time.
It's incorrect. Thank you for explaining me means "Thanks for telling someone how I work."
It's incorrect. Thank you for explaining me means "Thanks for telling someone how I work."

Then should I say "Thank you for explaining to me" instead?
In my opinion, "explain" also needs a direct object like "this", "that", or "it".

"Thanks for you explaining this to me."
In my opinion, "explain" also needs a direct object like "this", "that", or "it".

"Thanks for [STRIKE]you[/STRIKE] explaining this to me."

Using "this/that/it" is required but "you" is not.

You can use "Thanks for explaining", "Thanks for explaining it/this/that", "Thanks for explaining it/this/that to me" or "Thanks for the explanation".
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