Excuse me! I couldn't catch what you said. Could you please repeat again?

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Jul 10, 2017
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Hello all,
During an interview in the embassy, if we don't understand what the officer says, what is the best way to ask her/him to repeat their questions?
Is the following OK?
Excuse me! I couldn't catch what you said. Could you please repeat again?
I need two alternatives.
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We don't really use "catch" in such formal sentences. An informal version would be "I didn't quite catch that" but I wouldn't try using that.

- Sorry, I didn't understand what you said. Could you repeat it please?
- Sorry, could you say that again?

Don't say "repeat it again". "Repeat" means "say/do again" so you would effectively be repeating the word "again". You would use "repeat it again" only if you need the officer to say it a third time.
No body. I just might have to ask the officer to repeat their questions more than one time. Is it OK if I repeat the same format more than one time?
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You would use "repeat it again" only if you need the officer to say it a third time.

I agree, but I have heard this so many times that it barely registers. ;-)
[STRIKE]No body.[/STRIKE] Nobody. I just might have to ask the officer to repeat their questions more than one time. Is it OK if I repeat the same format more than one time?

See above. "Nobody" is a single word in this context. Note that it's more natural to say "more than once", rather than "more than one time". Yes, it's absolutely fine to use the same phrase multiple times if you need to.
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