"Emotional" and "Ethical" in my sentence

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Rachel Adams

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Nov 4, 2018
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Are the words "ethical" and "emotional" unnecessary in my sentence? I am not going to use both of them but I think I should remove both and say "It is" or "This is my opinion."

"Hunting is an atrocity. It should be banned everywhere. It is my emotional/ethical opinion."
How about:

In my opinion, hunting is an atrocity.
I think I should remove both
You're right. That phrasing is unnatural.

Forget about "emotional".

I vehemently disagree with hunting. It is unethical, atrocious, barbaric and should be banned.
Are the words "ethical" and "emotional" unnecessary in my sentence? I am not going to use both of them but I think I should remove both and say "It is":cross: or "This is:tick: my opinion."

"Hunting is an atrocity. It should be banned everywhere. It is my emotional/ethical opinion."
See above. It's not very natural either way, but only "this" works at all.
Emotional opinion isn't natural. We simply say we have feelings: I think hunting is atrocious. That's how I feel.

Ethical opinion is a little better. But it's more straightforward and natural to simply say that hunting is unethical: I think hunting is atrocious and unethical. That's how I feel.
In general, our feelings and opinions aren't ethical or unethical. We have feelings and opinions about whether external things/people/practices are ethical or unethical.
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