either...or, neither...nor with questions

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Apr 2, 2015
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I have some misunderstanding in this subject when the sentence begins from either ... or ....
Now I want to show some examples with using this grammar. I highlighted nouns and verbs. Please, correct me, if I made mistakes. Most of all I am interested in interrogative sentences.

+ affirmative sentences:
Either my dog or your [U]cats[/U] [U]like[/U] to eat porridge every day
Either your cats or my [U]dog[/U] [U]likes[/U] to eat porridge every day

- negative sentences:
Either my dog or your [U]cats[/U] [U]don't like[/U] to eat porridge every day
Either your cats or my [U]dog[/U] [U]doesn't like[/U] to eat porridge every day

? interrogative sentences:
[U]Does[/U] either [U]my dog[/U] or your cats like to eat porridge every day
[U]Do[/U] either [U]your cats[/U] or my dog like to eat porridge every day

Best regards
I don't understand the point of your question. Your examples are unnatural, are not interrogative sentences, and don't end with a punctuation mark.
I agree with Rover's comments above. I also think that your "negative sentences" are potentially confusing. Have you considered using the word "neither" in such sentences?

If the point of your question is to confirm the rule that the verb in an either/or sentence agrees with the subject closest to it, then the answer is yes!
Let's forget about naturality of these sentences.
Most of all, I'm interested in grammar for these questions:

Does either my dog or your cats like to eat porridge every day?
Do either your cats or my dog like to eat porridge every day?
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