[Grammar] earliest use found in Harriet Martineau (1802–1876)

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Mar 4, 2017
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word power
The extensiveness of one's vocabulary; the ability to express oneself effectively.

Late 19th century; earliest use found in Harriet Martineau (1802–1876), writer and journalist.

Can I take the blue part to mean:

... (the) earliest use (was/has been) found in Harriet Martineau (1802–1876) ...

What do you think?
I agree about the meaning, but I can't see much of a case for using has been.
the earliest use that has been found is in Harriet Martineau
Thank you all. :)

the earliest use that has been found is in Harriet Martineau

Hi, jutfrank.

We see this as a fact, so we use "is" (instead of "was", meaning the action happened in the past). Am I right?
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We see this as a fact, so we use "is" (instead of "was", meaning the action happened in the past). Am I right?

And I think the use (in the text by Harriet Martineau) is always there. That's another reason to use "is". :)
And I think the use (in the text by Harriet Martineau) is always there. That's another reason to use "is". :)

I prefer is to has been.
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