drop off vs give a lift

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Apr 21, 2020
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I am trying to understand the difference between "drop off" and "give a lift".
Let's assume I am in Mexico in Uxmal. There is the archaeological zone and the car park in front of it.
I want to get to Merida, when should I use "drop off" and "give a lift".

Should I use "give a lift" if I ask a person with a car who is also a tourist and "drop off" if I ask a taxi driver??

Excuse me, are you going to Merida? Could you give me a lift to the bus station in Merida? <---- a question to a person with a car who is also a tourist
Excuse me, could you drop me off at the bus station in Merida? <---- a question to a taxi driver (I know I can ask 'could you take me to...', but I want to see the difference between drop off and give a lift)


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Excuse me, are you going to Merida? Could you give me a lift to the bus station in Merida? <---- a question to a person with a car who is also a tourist

That's right.

Excuse me, could you drop me off at the bus station in Merida? <---- a question to a taxi driver (I know I can ask 'could you take me to...', but I want to see the difference between drop off and give a lift)

That's right.
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