Difference between whereas and while

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Oct 14, 2005
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Is there any difference between the following two sentences:

1) The Country's population of indigenous cattle has fallen by 8.94 percent whereas the population of the crossbred cattle has gone up by 20.18 percent.

2) The Country's population of indigenous cattle has fallen by 8.94 percent while the population of the crossbred cattle has gone up by 20.18 percent.


'Whereas' emphasises the contrast; 'while' tells us the two things were happening at the same time.
It is written in the below mentioned link that `while' is used to contrast two things.

1) While Tom's very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless.
2) Some people work better to music while others do not


So I am still confused. Please guide.


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Use whichever you like; they mean very nearly the same.

I wrote the above in my first reply to you, but deleted it as I thought you might want to know what the tiny difference was between them.
Actually I want to understand the tiny difference. In this forum, in a very old thread, a senior member had quoted the following difference that I am pasting below. What I could not understand, I am marking that in "red". As that thread was closed, I started this thread. Would you please help me understand the following?

1. It is a subtle difference. Whereas can be replaced with "on the other hand"; while can be replaced with "however".

Whereas = conjunction in contrast or comparison with the fact that; taking into consideration the fact that.

Bob was quite the rudest man I have ever met whereas John was a great guy.
Bob was quite the rudest man I have ever met; on the other hand John was a great guy.

While = conjunction compared with the fact that; but

John is so polite while Bob is incredibly rude
John is so polite; however, Bob is incredibly rude.
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I'd say that's invalid, because you can also say "John is so polite, whereas Bob is incredibly rude."
So that is replacing 'while' with 'whereas'. Sometimes there's a difference; sometimes there's not. There is no slight/subtle/tiny difference that is going to hold good in all circumstances.
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