didn't vs weren't/wasn't

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Apr 29, 2014
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Are the following sentence correct?

I didn't post any comments here.
I wasn't/weren't a smart person.
Are the following sentences correct?

I didn't post any comments here.
I wasn't/weren't a smart person.
Number one is correct. One version of number two is also correct. Look up how to conjugate "be" in the past simple to determine which one.
I wasn't being asked how to do my job.

Is it correct?
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Hi Tarheel,

This is not the first time to do my job well. I'm always lazy. Is it correct?
Perhaps you mean:

This is the first time I've done my job well.

But I'm not sure.
Hi Tarheel,

This is not the first time to do my job well. I'm always lazy. Is it correct? T
Hi Tarheel,

This is not the first time to do my job well.

It is unclear what you mean by that. That's why I suggested what I did.
Polyester, you are confusing the issue by changing the sentence. In post #1, you asked us about two sentences. You were told that the first sentence was OK. You were told that, in the second sentence, one of the options (wasn't/weren't) was correct and you were asked to work out which one. You ignored that request. Let's start again.

1. I wasn't a smart person.
2. I weren't a smart person.

Which sentence is correct - 1 or 2?
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Polyester, you are confusing the issue by changing the sentence. In post #1, you asked us about two sentences. You were told that the first sentence was OK. You were told that, in the second sentence, one of the options (wasn't/weren't) was correct and you were asked to work out which one. You ignored that request. Let's start again.

1. I wasn't a smart person.
2. I weren't a smart person.

Which sentence is correct - 1 or 2?

They are both correct.
They are both correct.

You are wrong. You need to look at how to construct the simple past of the verb "be" in the first person singular. Would you say "I was" or "I were"?
You are wrong. You need to look at how to construct the simple past of the verb "be" in the first person singular. Would you say "I was" or "I were"?

I was is okay. But, sometimes I use "were" also okay. I haven't any context.
"I was" is okay. But, sometimes I use ""I were" (also okay) .

The choice is between:

"I wasn't smart."


"I weren't smart."

Only one of those two is the right choice.
The choice is between:

"I wasn't smart."


"I weren't smart."

Only one of those two is the right choice.

If the situation like your mentioned, I would like to choose NO.1.
Polyester, say:

The first one.
"I was" is okay no full stop here but no comma here sometimes I use "were" and it is also okay. I haven't any context.

When do you use "I were"? Why don't you have any context? If you use it, you must know when you use it.

If the situation is like [STRIKE]your[/STRIKE] you mentioned, I would like to choose No. space here 1.

What situation are you talking about?
When do you use "I were"? Why don't you have any context? If you use it, you must know when you use it.

What situation are you talking about?

I have heard people say that in my real life. "I weren't", when you used it, it has to be plural.
I have heard people say that in my real life. Really? In what context? In what situation? What was the rest of the sentence? Were they native speakers?

"I weren't"[STRIKE], when you used it, it[/STRIKE] has to be plural.

"I weren't" is neither singular nor plural. It is WRONG (when used at the beginning of a sentence)!

"wasn't" is used with the first and third person singular pronouns (I, you, he, she, it).
"weren't is used with the second person singular pronoun (you singular, and the first, second and third person plural pronouns (we, you (plural), they).

Let me lay it out very clearly for you.

I wasn't
You weren't
He/She/It wasn't
We weren't
You weren't
They weren't

This is too complicated for you but "I were" and "I weren't" can be used in the subjunctive. For example, "If I weren't your friend, you would be very sad!"!
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