Did you hear Switzerland declared war?

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Rachel Adams

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Nov 4, 2018
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If in American English it is possible to use the simple past in ''Did you hear Switzerland declared war?'' Instead of ''has declared'' and ''I lost my key, honey.'' Instead of ''I have lost my key'' do native speakers also use the simple past in ''have you ever been to France,'' ''I have never eaten mushrooms, '' and ''have you ever eaten caviar?''
I have changed your thread title.

'Thread titles should include all or part of the word/phrase being discussed.'

Irrespective of the forum guideline, this eye-catching title is far more interesting than the dull one you chose to give it.:)

[STRIKE]If[/STRIKE] In American English, is it [STRIKE]is[/STRIKE] possible to use the simple past in ''Did you hear Switzerland declared war?'' Instead of ''has declared'' and ''I lost my key, honey.'' Instead of ''I have lost my key'' do native speakers also use the simple past in ''Have you ever been to France,'' ''I have never eaten mushrooms, '' and ''Have you ever eaten caviar?''
Americans do sometimes use the simple past in some such cases. In the title sentence, the past simple is much more likely than the present perfect. For your other sentences:

Have you ever been to France? "Were you ever in France?" is possible, but the present perfect would be the usual choice in most contexts.

I have never eaten mushrooms and Have you ever eaten caviar? could both be said with the past simple by many speakers.

Make sure to invert the subject and verb when you write questions.

Please use the double-quote character, ". Never use two single quotation marks in its place.
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I have changed your thread title.

'Thread titles should include all or part of the word/phrase being discussed.'

Irrespective of the forum guideline, this eye-catching title is far more interesting than the dull one you chose to give it.:)

I am afraid it will shock many people here :-D.
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