Did I use the right tenses with the verbs "caught" and "align"?

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Feb 24, 2015
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Hello, this is the text:

I came across this position while browsing the LinkedIn website. The job description and the company's mission caught my attention because they align with my values and career aspirations. So, this inspired me to submit my application and further explore this potential opportunity.

I'm not sure about "caught my attention" which is past tense and "align" which is in the present tense.
The tenses are correct. It caught your attention (in the past) but the company's mission still aligns (now) with your values.

Is this a covering letter to go with your application and CV?
Thank you. No, it's not a cover letter. It's just an answer to the question: "How did you hear about this position?"
So, this inspired me to submit my application
I suggest: This encouraged me to apply ...

It's not a good idea to start a sentence with "So". Also, "inspired" isn't the appropriate word here.
I have to disagree that 'inspired' isn't appropriate in this context. In my opinion it's fine.
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To me, it sounds too intense a word for a fairly routine thing like applying for a job. I might be inspired to start a business or write a book or take up mountaineering.
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