Diary - Today, I told my English teacher that I want to be a translator.


Key Member
Feb 23, 2017
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This is an entry from my diary. Please check it and correct any mistakes.

Today, I told my English teacher that I want to be a translator. She asked me if I was afraid of being replaced by AI. I'm not afraid, instead, I'm happy that they could replace me. Maybe I can do the proofread part. Although many things have been computerised for decades, I still had a lot of work to do (I just quit my job). Therefore, I hope AI development will make progress faster and relieve humans' workload.
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This is an entry from my diary. Please check it and correct any mistakes.

Today, I told my English teacher that I want to be a translator. She asked me if I was afraid of being replaced by AI. I told her I'm not afraid. Instead, I'm would be happy that they could replace me. Maybe I can do the proofreading part. Although many things have been computerised for decades, I still had have a lot of work to do (I just quit my job). Therefore, I hope AI development will make progress faster and relieve humans of their workload.
Nowadays, AI can be used to do proofreading.
Although many things have been computerised for decades, I still had have a lot of work to do (I just quit my job).
Before quitting my job, I had a lot of work to do. I want to express I used to have a lot of work to do.

Is it better to say "Although many things have been computerised for decades, I still had a lot of work to do in the past (I just quit my job)"?
I would reword the second sentence thusly:

She asked if I was afraid that all the translator jobs would be replaced by AI.

(Why are your first and last sentences always perfect? 😀)

Next perhaps:

I'm not worried about that.

Well, computer programs can't understand nuance.

I would make a new paragraph after that.

It's a bit odd to say you had work to do while you were working.

You seem to be saying at the end that you hope AI replaces people.
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It's a bit odd to say you had work to do while you were working.

You seem to be saying at the end that you hope AI replaced people.
I want to express that AI or computers are not strong enough currently, so I still had a lot of work to do (I just quit my job. I had a lot of work when I did the job). Therefore, I want them to develop to a higher level to help human.
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@Maybo Perhaps:

I meant to say that AI (or computers in general) is not smart enough to replace people. I want them to become more sophisticated so they can free people from having to do those jobs.

I probably have that wrong.

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