Diary - Since I grew plants


Key Member
Feb 23, 2017
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Student or Learner
Native Language
Home Country
Hong Kong
Current Location
Hong Kong
This is an entry from my diary. Please check it and correct any mistakes.

Since I grew plants, I found out that I've been more familiar with the nature. For example, sometimes when I pass through parks, I can recognise the species of the flowers and trees, and even know that which are toxic. At first, I was happy that I learned more about my environment, but as I get to know more about toxic plants, I don't dare to get close to them and become a little nervous. I used to sit next to them and just appreciate their beauty, but now, I feel like something has changed.
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I have been growng plants, and I have learned more about them. For example, when I walk through a park I can identify the species of flowers and trees. And I know which ones are toxic. At first I was happy with my new newfound knowledge, but as I learn more about toxic plants I have become nervous about getting too close to them. I used to sit next to them and admire their beauty, but now I don't want to do that.
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@Maybo I had to fix that one. I used the talk to text feature and wasn't careful enough.

I guess you knew I wasn't talking about talking plants.
@Maybo I had to fix that one. I used the talk to text feature and wasn't careful enough.

I guess you knew I wasn't talking about talking plants.
Since I've been growing plants, ...

This is present perfect continuous, to express an ongoing activity that continues to the present time.

... I've become more familiar with nature.

The verb become expresses the change that you're talking about.

(The rest is of your paragraph is really good. Very good work!)

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