Diary - My mother has a habit which I don't like.

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Key Member
Feb 23, 2017
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Hong Kong
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Hong Kong
This is an entry from my diary. Please check it and correct any mistakes.

My mother has a habit which I don't like. She likes to rearrange home furniture and stuff. She said it makes her feel like she has a new home. However, every time that stuff gets rearranged, nobody knows where the original stuff is, and she doesn't even remember. Also, the heavy work makes her back pain much worse. I don't understand why she has to torture herself that way.
This is an entry from my diary. Please check it and correct any mistakes.

My mother has a habit which [that] I don't like. She likes to rearrange home the furniture at home and stuff. Using "stuff" instead of coming up with another example is lazy. Your English is better than that!

She said it makes her feel like she has a new home.

However, every time that stuff gets rearranged she rearranges everything, nobody knows where the original stuff is can find anything, and she doesn't even remember where she put things.

Also, the heavy work it makes her back pain much worse. I don't understand why she has to torture herself that way.
Just say:

She likes to rearrange the furniture.

There is no need to add "at home". Nobody will think it's someplace else.

Is she by herself when she does that?

She puts things in different places and then doesn't remember where she put those things, right? Maybe she needs a hobby. Knitting? Crocheting?
Just say:

She likes to rearrange the furniture.

There is no need to add "at home". Nobody will think it's someplace else.

Is she by herself when she does that?

She puts things in different places and then doesn't remember where she put those things, right? Maybe she needs a hobby. Knitting? Crocheting?
She likes to read Ikea booklets and arranges the furniture accordingly.
She likes to read browse/look at Ikea booklets catalogues/brochures and arranges the furniture accordingly.
We don't usually "read" publications that contain mostly images.
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