Diary - My home phone didn't work anymore


Key Member
Feb 23, 2017
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Hong Kong
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Hong Kong
This is an entry from my diary. Please check it and correct any mistakes.

My home phone didn't work anymore so I went to a electronics shop to buy a new one. When I asked the shop assistant if they had any home phones, he answered that they don't sell them in this shop anymore and asked me to check their online shop. I was quite surprised that they didn't have such essential thing. Then, I browsed around, and I guessed they sold only expensive products in the shop, maybe because of the high rental cost.
Are you saying that you still have a landline?
My home phone didn't work anymore, so I went to an electronics store.to buy a new one.

(I wrote that from memory.)
When I asked the shop assistant if they had any home phones he said that they didn't have any and suggested that I try the online shop.
I was quite surprised that they didn't have such an essential thing.
I browsed around, and then I guessed that they only sell expensive items in that shop -- maybe because of the high rental.

How do you know how much they pay in rent?
Recently, my home landline phone didn't work anymore stopped working so I went to an electronics shop to buy a new one. When I asked the shop assistant if they had any, home phones, he answered said that they don't sell them in this shop anymore and asked me to check their online shop. I was quite surprised that they didn't have such an essential thing. Then no comma here I browsed around a bit, and I guessed realised they sold only expensive products, in the shop, maybe because of the high rental cost rent they have to pay for the shop.
What’s the difference between ‘rent’ and ‘rental’?
What’s the difference between ‘rent’ and ‘rental’?
What differences do you find when you look those two words up in several good dictionaries?
What differences do you find when you look those two words up in several good dictionaries?
Rental: an arrangement to rent something, or the amount of money that you pay to rent something
Rent: a fixed amount of money that you pay regularly for the use of a room, house, car, television, etc. that someone else owns

I think the "rent" emphasises regular payments.

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