Diary - It’s been hot so I get angry easily.


Key Member
Feb 23, 2017
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Student or Learner
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Home Country
Hong Kong
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Hong Kong
This is an entry from my diary. Please check it and correct any mistakes.

It’s been hot so I get angry easily. Everything annoys me. When I do anything, I’m thinking why is me doing it. I sweat a lot everyday and get wet from head to toe. I need to take more rest than before. Therefore, it takes extra time to finish everything. I really hope there is only one month for summer while other months are around 15 degrees Celsius. :confused:
It’s been very hot recently so I've been getting angry easily. Everything annoys me. When I do anything, I’m thinking I think "Why is me am I doing it this?" I sweat a lot everyday every day and get wet end up soaked from head to toe. I need to take more rest than before usual no full stop here Therefore, so it takes extra time to finish do everything. I really hope there is only one month for summer lasts only a month while and other months the rest of the year are it's around 15 degrees Celsius. :confused:

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