Diary - I just read a post on social media asking people when they had dinner.


Key Member
Feb 23, 2017
Member Type
Student or Learner
Native Language
Home Country
Hong Kong
Current Location
Hong Kong
This is an entry from my diary. Please check it and correct any mistakes.

I just read a post on social media asking people when they had dinner. Some people commented 9pm. I'm quite surprised because it's late to me. I suppose they finish it at 10pm. The feeling of fullness lasts at least an hour and it's 11pm. When do they get sleep? I usually have dinner at 6-6:30pm. Sometimes, I feel hunger even starting at 5pm. Since I eat early, when it's near the midnight I feel hungry again so I might have some snacks or just starve myself.
I just read a post on social media asking people when what time they had have dinner. Some people commented said [they have it at] 9pm. I'm quite surprised because it's that would be late to for me. I suppose they They probably finish it eating at 10pm. The feeling of fullness lasts at least an hour, and it's so until 11pm. When do they get go to sleep? I usually have dinner at between 6 and 6:30pm. Sometimes, I feel hunger even starting I'm even hungry at 5pm. Since I eat early, when it's near the by midnight I feel I'm hungry again so I might have some snacks or just starve myself wait until breakfast.
See above.

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