Diary - I had caught covid from my dad last week


Key Member
Feb 23, 2017
Member Type
Student or Learner
Native Language
Home Country
Hong Kong
Current Location
Hong Kong
This is an entry from my diary. Please check it and correct any mistakes.

I had caught covid from my dad last week and had seven days of fever. My friends' fever usually go down within 2-3 days. I believe I didn't because I haven't got vaccination. At the seventh day, I thought my brain would melt, but fortunately the fever finally went down. I can't smell anything now, and I can only smell a chemical smell.
I had caught covid from my dad last week and had seven days of fever. My friends say the fever usually goes down within 2-3 days. I believe I mine didn't because I haven't been vaccinated. got vaccination. At the seventh On day 7, I thought my brain would melt, but fortunately, the fever finally went down. I can't smell anything now, and I can only smell a except (strong) artificial/chemical odours. smell.
Maybo: I caught Covid from my dad last week and had seven days of fever.
Ron: Wow! Is that why you weren't on the forum? I was missing you.
Maybo: Yes. I was pretty sick.
Ron: But the fever is gone and you have recovered. Is that right?
Maybo: That's right.
Ron: I'm happy that you're back.

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