curriculum for training school students for spoken english

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Feb 5, 2011
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My name is shalini. I am planning to start spoken english classes for school students. Can anyoine tell me what kind of curriculum should one follow so that students master the language at a short span of time. However I understand that to be able to speak english well one needs to listen and speak and practise,But still I would want to have a curriculum to start so that I know how to get them to speak fluently.,I mean what should be taught first -grammar or short talks or .Please guide me
I don't think there is a curriculum that allows people to master a language in a short time; if there were, everyone would be using it, but people learn in different ways and at different speeds, and a language is a complex thing to learn. However, if it's a spoken English course, then speaking should be the focus, and students need to learn the skills required for speaking, so they should learn how to agree/disagree, interrupt, show interest, etc, rather than focus on grammar.
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