[General] Could you help me catch a few unclear english words on an audio record?

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Sep 24, 2013
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Hi all! I encountered a problem while I was listening to this audio record http://webfile.ru/6685663, namely I couldn't catch what the speaker was saying after the words "how the joints effect the skin" and between "and then how we" and "animate the character".
I'd be grateful if anybody helps me recognize those words.
Is this a file to download? If so could you post it to YouTube or SoundCloud where people can listen without downloading. People are often unwilling to download unknown files. Thanks
Hi all! I encountered a problem while I was listening to this audio record http://webfile.ru/6685663, namely I couldn't catch what the speaker was saying after the words "how the joints effect the skin" and between "and then how we" and "animate the character".
I'd be grateful if anybody helps me recognize those words.

After "how the joints affect the skin", it's "... or the, kind of, the geometry surface".
The second part is "... and then how we can actually animate the character".
Hi Tdol! Thanks for your suggestion, but there's no problem to listen to the record on that site because after the page opens it'll be played automatically.
Hi emsr2d2 and thanks for your help! May I ask you about some shortenings or reductions for the word "actually" due to which I can't still recognize it on the record?
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"Can actually" in the recording sounds like "kuh-nack-cherlee". The first syllable of that would sound like the first syllable of "condense". When native speakers speak, we rarely enunciate every sound.
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