[Application] Could anyone help me review my motivation letter for erasmus?

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Nov 28, 2019
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Hello everyone,

I'm applying for a semester abroad with the ERASMUS program and it would really help me if you could look through it and correct major mistakes or awkward sentences. Thank you very much in advance.

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is AAA. I am 24 years old and was born in China. Currently, I am a student of the master’s degree program in Electrical Engineering at TU Darmstadt. I am writing this because I would like to spend the next academic year of my study course at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, by taking part in the Erasmus Programme as an international exchange student.
There are various reasons that make me want to study at EPFL.Firstly, EPFL is a world leading university and it has a very high academic reputation for for engineering and technology. It would be helpful for my PhD application in the future, when I have an exchange experience at such an excellent university.
Secondly, it offers a lot of high-quality courses for exchange students and the teaching method is really flexible. For example, the course model predictive control, which I would like to participate in, consists of lectures, exercises and course project. The result of the course is based on reports on exercises, the project and the written final exam, which is different with TU Darmstadt. In my opinion, the evaluation form of EPFL will improve my practical ability, especially the programming ability, the ability to do projects, and the ability to teamwork.
Finally, I am very interested in experiencing different lifestyles, cultures and mentalities. I am sure that this exchange would enrich me, both personally and academically. In my view, intercultural exchange is necessary to understand the fast-moving society we live in. As most courses are taught in English, I believe that this experience will improve my English. Moreover I would have the chance to improve my French, and this would surely enhance my future professional and personal development.
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,
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Do you still need help with that, or is it too late?
This might not even be real. That is, it's just practice. And nobody they know wants to help them.
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