[Vocabulary] Correct my sentences regarding good productivity

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Nov 27, 2005
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Please help to correct and simplify the sentences below.Thanks

At the initial project stage, many mechanical contracts were not completed within the stated contract period according to my experience. This will seriously affect the profit and goodwill of the company. This was mainly due to lack of project planning and organization, thereby causing poor site performance. In order to achieve good productivity, I set up milestones and short-termed targets for my staff to follow. I also established progress monitoring report and performance review report for site worker & staff helping me to trace out the lead and lag activities and rearrange the resources at once taking account of the actual progress.
Is this your own text or a translation, Ben?
According to my opinion, you have to use DIY proofreading for that please refer sources listed below

DIY editing Tips (URL removed)

seven easy ways to make yourself love proofreading (URL removed)

Tips for DIY proofreading service (URL removed)

I found those links very helpful, I hope you will find ithelpful too :)
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