Correct answer to the questions like "would/do you mind my doing smith?"

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Mar 27, 2016
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English Teacher
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Russian Federation

I was explaining to my students the model "Do you mind my opening the window?" And the answers "No, I don't" or "no, certainly/of course not" (if I don't mind).

I have a new student who has just come from the UK ( although he is not a native English speaker). He told me that it is also possible to answer "Do, please". He said he had heard that a couple of times.

Would you you please advise if this answer is acceptable?

Thank you!
Re: Correct answer to the questions like "would/do you mind my doing smith?"

Feel free/Go ahead, etc could also be used.
Re: Correct answer to the questions like "would/do you mind my doing smith?"

I have a new student who has just come from the UK ( although he is not a native English speaker). He told me that it is also possible to answer "Do, please". He said he had heard that a couple of times.
I'd be wary of relying too much on a non-native speaker who has heard something a few times. We get posters here all the time asking about things they've heard somewhere. Sometimes they make sense.
(This is not to denigrate your new student).
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