confronted by a school-based police officer as he ran toward the school... no armed officer was present when Ramos arrived at the school

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Feb 19, 2016
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Preliminary police reports had said that Ramos, who drove to the school from his home after shooting and wounding his grandmother there, was confronted by a school-based police officer as he ran toward the school. Instead, no armed officer was present when Ramos arrived at the school, Escalon said.
Source: Reuters
Police face questions over their response to Texas school massacre

"A school-based police officer"? Doesn‘t it mean that the officer was at school since he''s school based? What is puzzling to me that the speaker said "no armed officer was present when Ramos arrived at the school", which would mean this school based officer was either not at the school or not armed. I am not sure. When the gunman was confonted by the officer, didn't the officer try to stop or arrect him, or, failing that, informed other officers to stop or arrest the gunman? Well, the bold part above is not clear to me. I don't know how to properly understand it.
The important thing there is "Preliminary reports". Initially, it was claimed that a police officer based at the school confronted Ramos. However, the police's version of events has now changed and they say there was no armed officer present when Ramos arrived.

I think you should wait until the full story of what actually happened is clear before asking more questions. All the reports so far have been confused, confusing and sometimes contradictory (depending on who's being interviewed).
Escalon represents the Texas Department of Public Safety, not the police. He's saying that there was no such confrontation and that the gunman entered the school unimpeded.
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