[Vocabulary] Concerning pronunciation of the word 'negotiation'

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Junior Member
Dec 18, 2018
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Hello to everyone! I have recently been binge-watching a couple of sitcoms, namely brilliant 'Yes, Minister' and its respective follow-up 'Yes, Prime Minister'. And many a time did I come across a most interesting pronunciation of the word 'negotiation'. Sir Humphrey Appleby and Jim Hacker pronounce it the following way: 'negociation'. Why is that so and, respectively, is it within the realm of acceptable to pronounce the lexeme the way these honourable gentlemen do?

I should be most delighted to hear your thoughts on the present matter.

Thank you!
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Hi, GrandLizard, and welcome to the forum. :hi:

Please note that I have changed your thread title.

Extract from the Posting Guidelines:

"Thread titles should include all or part of the word/phrase being discussed."
Of course it's acceptable. Why else do you think they pronounce it like that?

Their use of a /s/ reveals something about their social class.
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