Comparison of stories

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Sep 28, 2005
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I would like to ask you for correction or any comments. I would be really grateful if you read this analysis which I called " Daughters as a range of goods."
Thank you in advance for your help

In this essay I will compare and contrast two stories – Angela Carter´s “The Tiger´s Bride“(The Bloody Chamber, 1979) and de Beaumont´s “Beauty and the Beast” (La Belle et la Bête, 1756). The main aim of this comparison will be focused on the shocking theme of both stories - trading with a daughter as a range of goods.
“The Tiger´s Bride” describes the life of a young girl whose father was a gambler. He lost her at cards and was forced to give her to the winner. The winner (called The Beast or Milord) wanted to see her naked. After she stripped off for him, The Beast gave all money and property (that was lost in the game) back to her farther and let her go. The father did not care for her - took all the money and abandoned her. Therefore she decided to stay with the Beast in his palace.
“Beauty and the Beast” tells a story about an old merchant who stole roses for his youngest daughter called Beauty. He was caught in the act by Beast who was the owner of the roses. Beast claimed compensation and demanded that merchant would send him one of his daughters. His strict command was: “one of them come willingly, and suffer for you“. There was an alternative performance in case of merchant´s failure to meet obligations - “if your daughter refuses to die in your stead, you will return within three months."
Father was forced to “promise, upon oath” he would perform the ungrateful task. After he came home and said what had happened, Beauty offered to sacrifice her life instead of her father´s. Though father and her three brothers disapprove her offer, she insisted on it. She argued that “you shall not go to the palace without me; you cannot hinder me from following you." So she went to the Beast´s palace.
Surprisingly, she wasn´t killed or injured by Beast. On the contrary, she had a wonderful time in his palace. After a few weeks she even grew fond of him. On the other hand, she missed her father a lot. So she begged Beast for her return to her father for a week. After she made a promise to come back again, he agreed.
When she was with her father, she missed Beast and noticed that she had fallen in love with Beast. Therefore she came back and her love changed Beast into a beautiful prince. It broke a terrible curse that made him ugly.
The main thesis of both stories is that everything can be bought; it is only a matter of price. It means that you can buy everything even a human being. During centuries described in both stories it was normal to trade with human being as a thing. Slave trade was not as scandalous as nowadays.
These stories presented an historical evolution of attitudes to the trade with human being during centuries. Each of them is situated in different epoch. “Beauty and the Beast” took place sometimes between the end of 17thcentury and the middle of 18th century in Europe.
I determined this period of time because of activities and objects mentioned in the text. In 18th century “balls, plays and concerts” started to be attended by middle-class society. Before these social events had only been for aristocracy. Author also noted that Beauty “would often look on her watch to see when it would be nine“ or „the clock struck nine“ which presented Pendulum clock, invented in the middle of 17thcentury. This story was first published in the middle of 18th century so author described society and equipment that he knew very well because he lived during those decades.
The Tiger´s Bride was situated during 19th century in Milan. Author described Milord with old-fashioned tailcoat which became increasingly popular at the end of 18th century and during 19th century. Objects such as “clockwork” , “Chinese pot” and “pile of banknotes” which are presented in the story, are also in common use in 19th century. The title milord was well-known as a word which continental Europeans (especially French) commonly used to address Englishmen or male English-speakers who seemed to be upper-class in 19th century. “The Czar´s menagerie at Petersburg” showed us that this story became before 1917 when the last tsar abdicated following the February Revolution.
In my essay, I would like to present economic and legal view of trading with daughters as a range of goods. Therefore I will compare and contrast roles of fathers and Beasts as parties of the contract. I will focus on their intentions and attitudes to the contract. Validity of these dealings will be analysed too. At the end, I will briefly explain how these daughters felt as a kind of merchandise.
Firstly, it is necessary to say that both dealings were immoral and illegal because these girls whose fathers sold them were freemen. In addition, these bilateral trades with daughters were contracted by fathers under duress and without free will. So they were invalid and unenforceable.
Fathers could not choose if they enter into agreement. A merchant in “Beauty and the Beast,” had not a choice because Beast told him when he stole a rose: “you shall die for it; I give you but a quarter of an hour to prepare yourself, and say your prayers.”
A father in “The Tiger´s Bride” was in similar situation because he was overruled by his passion. This notorious gambler suffered from a mental disorder according to his daughter as she said “gambling is a sickness” and “my father's soul that was in peril.” This gambler was insane and that is why he was legally irresponsible for his action.
Although fathers were threatened, these circumstances do not purge them. They were not forced to perform an illegal and condemnable act twice. The merchant in “Beauty and the Beast” had probably enough money to buy roses in the town and did not have to commit theft. Gambler did not have to risk everything and to satisfy his passion.
Moreover, to hind these crimes they submitted to the request of the Beasts and sold their daughters. These trades with the girls were even worse than previous crimes because they knew what could happen to their daughters. They sacrificed their daughters to save themselves.
What surprised me was that fathers did not think about or even try to flee with daughters to another country or city. The reason why they stay, is that they can´t run off because of their honour and lack of money. “All at once the merchant lost his whole fortune“ so merchant he did not have any money and did not gain any in his business journey because he was not successful: “he came back as poor as before”. Gambler had lost all of his in cards.
In addition, all their lives merchant and gambler were used to fulfilling all their engagements. If they escaped, they would not be able to do business or gamble again in the future.
If we would like to apologize and rationalize their behaviour, we could say that they committed these crimes with good intention. One of them tried to please his daughter with wonderful roses and didn´t want to cause any harm or damage to owner of these flowers.
When he was forced to conclude an arrangement by Beast, he did not intend to lose his youngest daughter: “The merchant had no mind to sacrifice his daughters to the ugly monster, but he thought, in obtaining this respite, he should have the satisfaction of seeing them once more“ But he wanted to see his children for the last time and then he would realize an alternative performance – to “return within three months.”

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He even denied offer of his daughter to save him: “I am charmed with Beauty's kind and generous offer, but I cannot yield to it. I am old, and have not long to live, so can only loose a few years, which I regret for your sakes alone, my dear children." It proves he was not selfish or reckless but warm-hearted because he worried about his children and refused to sacrifice them.
Gambler in “The Tiger´s Bride, “also did not want to lose his daughter. This girl explained it to us: “I saw wild hope light up his eyes” and “I know he thought he could not lose me.” He wanted to gain fortune for her daughter and didn´t realize the great risk he faced to. He was only too naïve that he thought he could ensure daughter´s future so quickly by gambling. His daughter described it: “back with me would come all he had lost, the unravelled fortunes of our family at one blow restored.”
The purpose of this trade is also different for Milord and Beast. Milord wanted that girl to see young pretty virgin naked. He did not yearn for her soul but for her body. He hired her to strip off for him. This type of contract can be called as lease or short-term working agreement.
Conversely, Beast wanted Beauty to love him. He did not force her to do something for him. He buys her not to be alone. It is some kind of contract of purchase.
We should focus on what these fathers gained and lost by this business. The price can be unequalled. It is usually a thing that is rare and valuable for others. Loss or profit is also subjective and depends on what is most important for a certain person.
The merchant obtained roses which were rare in this region but he lost his youngest daughter. All in all; the price he got for the life of their daughters was too low.
On the other hand, the gambler had a pleasure to play a game with Milord and almost won all the property of Milord. But he lost everything he owned – money, “black earth (in Russia), blue forest with bear and wild boar, serf, cornfields, farmyards, and horses” and his only child too.
So there are three kinds of goods which are exchanged – property, flowers and a human being. When we compare these commodities we notice each of them characterize different type of personality, motives, attitudes and values of buyers and sellers.
Merchant and the Beast in “Beauty and the Beast” preferred roses which symbolize love and beauty. This flower is also romantic and idealistic. It is usually a gift for a woman you love and has a spiritual value. Therefore the characters are not materialistic and care for a human being.
In comparison, Gambler and Milord from story “The Tiger´s Bride” are fond of property. Through money they show their influence, power and satisfy their passion for gambling and winning. They are not really interested in true love. So they only use other people for their pleasure.
The same motive of roses repeats in both stories. In “Beauty and the Beast” are objects of love and beauty, whereas in “The Tiger´s Bride” they symbolized forgiveness when daughter gave a rose to his father: “father wants a rose to show that I forgive him.” Roses were also given by Milord to this daughter but she thought about them “as if a gift of flowers would reconcile a woman to any humiliation.” So she also considered them as kind of apology from Milord.
Another significant issue was that there was no effective protection for these ladies from family or authorities. Everybody was threatened with tremendous power of Beasts. The reason for this fear is mentioned by Beauty in “The Tiger´s Bride” – “if you have enough money, anything is possible.” It means money can influence almost everything. In “Beauty and the Beast” merchant also warned his sons not to try to save his daughter because „Beast's power is so great, that I have no hopes of your overcoming him.” So it is obvious, nobody could help to these poor girls.
The great difference is between daughters how they felt that were sold as merchandise. One of them (“Beauty and the Beast”) agrees to be sold and does not feel any wrong. She did it for her father. She loves him so much, she even offered him her life to save him: “I will deliver myself up to all his fury, and I am very happy in thinking that my death will save my father's life, and be a proof of my tender love for him." This honourable act shows close relations between this youngest daughter and her father.
The other lady (“The Tiger´s Bride”) is really sad that she was lost at cards. She feels abused by her father and Milord. She is really disappointed that father abandoned her. She asked herself: “Could he so easily leave me here?“ This unpleasant experience changed her life.
To conclude, I present all parties of this trade and show their main interest. I also present the basic symbols which relates to the economist aspects. Moreover, I tried to compare the price and its equivalent. The main thesis makes it evident that it does not matter if something is moral or legal. Money changes the world.
Firstly, it is necessary to say that both dealings were immoral and illegal because these girls whose fathers sold them were freemen. In addition, these bilateral trades with daughters were contracted by fathers under duress and without free will. So they were invalid and unenforceable.

Fathers could not choose if they enter into agreement. A merchant in “Beauty and the Beast,” had not a choice because Beast told him when he stole a rose: “you shall die for it; I give you but a quarter of an hour to prepare yourself, and say your prayers.”

A father in “The Tiger´s Bride” was in similar situation because he was overruled by his passion. This notorious gambler suffered from a mental disorder according to his daughter as she said “gambling is a sickness” and “my father's soul that was in peril.” This gambler was insane and that is why he was legally irresponsible for his action.

Although fathers were threatened, these circumstances do not purge them. They were not forced to perform an illegal and condemnable act twice. The merchant in “Beauty and the Beast” had probably enough money to buy roses in the town and did not have to commit theft. Gambler did not have to risk everything and to satisfy his passion.

Moreover, to hind these crimes they submitted to the request of the Beasts and sold their daughters. These trades with the girls were even worse than previous crimes because they knew what could happen to their daughters. They sacrificed their daughters to save themselves.
What surprised me was that fathers did not think about or even try to flee with daughters to another country or city. The reason why they stay, is that they can´t run off because of their honour and lack of money. “All at once the merchant lost his whole fortune“ so merchant he did not have any money and did not gain any in his business journey because he was not successful: “he came back as poor as before”. Gambler had lost all of his in cards.

In addition, all their lives merchant and gambler were used to fulfilling all their engagements. If they escaped, they would not be able to do business or gamble again in the future.

If we would like to apologize and rationalize their behaviour, we could say that they committed these crimes with good intention. One of them tried to please his daughter with wonderful roses and didn´t want to cause any harm or damage to owner of these flowers.

When he was forced to conclude an arrangement by Beast, he did not intend to lose his youngest daughter: “The merchant had no mind to sacrifice his daughters to the ugly monster, but he thought, in obtaining this respite, he should have the satisfaction of seeing them once more“ But he wanted to see his children for the last time and then he would realize an alternative performance – to “return within three months.”

He even denied offer of his daughter to save him: “I am charmed with Beauty's kind and generous offer, but I cannot yield to it. I am old, and have not long to live, so can only loose a few years, which I regret for your sakes alone, my dear children." It proves he was not selfish or reckless but warm-hearted because he worried about his children and refused to sacrifice them.

Gambler in “The Tiger´s Bride, “also did not want to lose his daughter. This girl explained it to us: “I saw wild hope light up his eyes” and “I know he thought he could not lose me.” He wanted to gain fortune for her daughter and didn´t realize the great risk he faced to. He was only too naïve that he thought he could ensure daughter´s future so quickly by gambling. His daughter described it: “back with me would come all he had lost, the unravelled fortunes of our family at one blow restored.”

The purpose of this trade is also different for Milord and Beast. Milord wanted that girl to see young pretty virgin naked. He did not yearn for her soul but for her body. He hired her to strip off for him. This type of contract can be called as lease or short-term working agreement.

Conversely, Beast wanted Beauty to love him. He did not force her to do something for him. He buys her not to be alone. It is some kind of contract of purchase.
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We should focus on what these fathers gained and lost by this business. The price can be unequalled. It is usually a thing that is rare and valuable for others. Loss or profit is also subjective and depends on what is most important for a certain person.

The merchant obtained roses which were rare in this region but he lost his youngest daughter. All in all; the price he got for the life of their daughters was too low.

On the other hand, the gambler had a pleasure to play a game with Milord and almost won all the property of Milord. But he lost everything he owned – money, “black earth (in Russia), blue forest with bear and wild boar, serf, cornfields, farmyards, and horses” and his only child too.

So there are three kinds of goods which are exchanged – property, flowers and a human being. When we compare these commodities we notice each of them characterize different type of personality, motives, attitudes and values of buyers and sellers.

Merchant and the Beast in “Beauty and the Beast” preferred roses which symbolize love and beauty. This flower is also romantic and idealistic. It is usually a gift for a woman you love and has a spiritual value. Therefore the characters are not materialistic and care for a human being.

In comparison, Gambler and Milord from story “The Tiger´s Bride” are fond of property. Through money they show their influence, power and satisfy their passion for gambling and winning. They are not really interested in true love. So they only use other people for their pleasure.
The same motive of roses repeats in both stories. In “Beauty and the Beast” are objects of love and beauty, whereas in “The Tiger´s Bride” they symbolized forgiveness when daughter gave a rose to his father: “father wants a rose to show that I forgive him.” Roses were also given by Milord to this daughter but she thought about them “as if a gift of flowers would reconcile a woman to any humiliation.” So she also considered them as kind of apology from Milord.

Another significant issue was that there was no effective protection for these ladies from family or authorities. Everybody was threatened with tremendous power of Beasts. The reason for this fear is mentioned by Beauty in “The Tiger´s Bride” – “if you have enough money, anything is possible.” It means money can influence almost everything. In “Beauty and the Beast” merchant also warned his sons not to try to save his daughter because „Beast's power is so great, that I have no hopes of your overcoming him.” So it is obvious, nobody could help to these poor girls.

The great difference is between daughters how they felt that were sold as merchandise. One of them (“Beauty and the Beast”) agrees to be sold and does not feel any wrong. She did it for her father. She loves him so much, she even offered him her life to save him: “I will deliver myself up to all his fury, and I am very happy in thinking that my death will save my father's life, and be a proof of my tender love for him." This honourable act shows close relations between this youngest daughter and her father.

The other lady (“The Tiger´s Bride”) is really sad that she was lost at cards. She feels abused by her father and Milord. She is really disappointed that father abandoned her. She asked herself: “Could he so easily leave me here?“ This unpleasant experience changed her life.

To conclude, I present all parties of this trade and show their main interest. I also present the basic symbols which relates to the economist aspects. Moreover, I tried to compare the price and its equivalent. The main thesis makes it evident that it does not matter if something is moral or legal. Money changes the world.
Ok, I have sent it in another post that you can find in this writing section to make it well-arranged and more clear for reader. Thank you
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