Common Mistakes in IELTS Candidates' Writings ( Task 2)

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Oct 23, 2012
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Hello everybody,

As I mentioned before, I am doing a research on the most common mistakes found in Iranian IELTS candidates' writings (towards collocations) which I myself find very crucial and important. Since no one has ever done such a research before, I was wondering if any of you could help me with finding articles and researches with similar topics, in order for me to be able to manage my Review of Literature (second chapter of the research) on it. It does not need to include the exact, same keywords or even abstract idea. I just want to take a look at others' investigations quite similar to mine. I have already found 10 articles but I need at least 30 more ones.

Thank you,
Mina K. M.
Does it have to focus solely on Iranian candidates or can they be compared to others?
It is based on the Iranians' writings, the writings of people from other countries are not availble in the institute I work. Therefore, I mainly focus on the ones available. It is somehow based on contrastive analysis, however, there can be some comparisons made. : )
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