[General] Comma before even if.

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Aug 28, 2014
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I would like to know why comma is not needed before "even if"?
I love teaching, so I wouldn't stop working even if I have a magical money box.

Watch this sentence where the words "even if" are written before comma.
I will get there, even if I have to walk.

I don't understand the usage of comma with "even if".
The part after the comma is called a dependent clause or a parenthetical expression. (You can look those up.)

Strictly speaking, a comma is called for to show that it's adding information to the previous words without changing their meaning.

But since both sentences make sense with or without commas, commas are optional in both. American English is a little bit stricter than British about when to use them. The British rarely use commas if the meaning is still clear without them.

Notice how you used a comma after "I love teaching"? The comma is necessary there, because removing it would make the sentence confusing. But everything after that comma is also parenthetical - a big dependent clause. So the "even if" part is actually a dependent clause within another dependent clause.
"I love teaching, so I wouldn't stop working even if I had a magical money box."

Even if I had a magical money box, I wouldn't stop working.
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