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Mr. walid

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Dec 8, 2018
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What are the problems of understanding the meaning of i've goe a headache / i've got a cough
What are the problems [STRIKE]of[/STRIKE] that might be encountered in understanding the meaning of "I've [STRIKE]goe[/STRIKE] got a headache/I've got a cough"?

Welcome to the forum. :hi:

Please note the corrections to your post above.

I have a few questions for you before we continue:
1) How long have you been an English teacher?
2) What level are your students?
3) Why is your thread title "celta" (which should be "CELTA")?
4) When is your homework assignment due?
Mr. walid, we cannot help you with your CELTA course tasks. They are supposed to get you to think for yourself.
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