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Sep 23, 2018
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Hi everyone I am thinking of joining a celta course, i just looked at the application and its baffled me i wasnt expecting this,

I,ll buy one when i have the money.

I,d buy one if i had the money

I wish to see you

I wish i could see you

I have to provide a context and say how i would demonstrate the differences

Any hints tips will be appreciated
Hi everyone. I am thinking of joining a [STRIKE]celta[/STRIKE] CELTA course. I just looked at the application and it's baffled me. I wasn't expecting this:

I'll buy one when I have the money.
I'd buy one if I had the money.

I wish to see you.
I wish I could see you.

I have to provide a context and say how I would demonstrate the differences.

Any hints or tips will be appreciated.

Welcome to the forum. :hi:

Unfortunately, we are unable to help you with this. The application is designed to find out what you know and how you would explain a language point. They're not interested in how we would answer the question.

I suggest you take some time to concentrate on using correct capitalisation and punctuation if you are going to continue with your application to CELTA.

Thread closed.
If the difference between will and would baffles you, are you really in a position to teach English?
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