celta test help

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Jul 9, 2011
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I would be very grateful if anyone could help me with this.

The task is to correct the tense using the same verb and then name the tense. My problem is that to me they all look like present simple(based on the rule that this is the tense that describes what is usually true), yet I know this is unlikely.

The questions are:
Where are you from? I'm coming from Egypt(corrected to "I come from Egypt)
I'm not understanding French (corrected to "I don't understand French")
I'm not usually going to school on Saturdays (corrected to "I don't usually go to school on Saturdays")

I would be very grateful if anyone could help me with this.

The task is to correct the tense using the same verb and then name the tense. My problem is that to me they all look like present simple(based on the rule that this is the tense that describes what is usually true), yet I know this is unlikely.

The questions are:
Where are you from? I'm coming from Egypt(corrected to "I come from Egypt)
I'm not understanding French (corrected to "I don't understand French")
I'm not usually going to school on Saturdays (corrected to "I don't usually go to school on Saturdays")


Are you only required to name the tense in its correct form, or in both the original and the correct forms?
I only have to name the correct tense.
Present simple help

Can anyone help me, please?
Present Simple V(s). I live in Russia.
Present Progressive / Continuous am/is/are + Ving. A friend of mine is living in London at the moment.

Not a teacher.
I agree with your corrections and that the tense is the Present Simple. Does the question ask you to name the "tense" or "tenses"? If it's just name the "tense" then I think you're looking for more difficult answers than you need to.
Thanks for helping

The test just asks for me to name the correct tense in 8 different questions. It seemed unlikely that three different answers would be present simple, yet no other tense seems to fit.
The test just asks for me to name the correct tense in 8 different questions. It seemed unlikely that three different answers would be present simple, yet no other tense seems to fit.
You'd be surprised how many people doing such a test would give the wrong answers to the questions you quoted.
If you give people a multiple choice exercise where every answer is a), it really tests them because they start doubting their answers.

Try it one day after your course and watch your students' faces. There will be a good discussion and plenty of feedback about what a heartless swine you are, especially if you stick one in that's different just to make sure. ;-)
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