Celta task

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May 26, 2014
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Hi, who can Help me with a Celta Task?

Say the following words aloud (try them in a sentence) and then mark the syllable that takes the main stress: like


allow prediction controversial prefer preference photograph photographic photographer record(noun) record(verb)

thank you
Have you looked up the correct pronunciation with stress in a dictionary? Are you training to be a CELTA teacher?
Have you looked up the correct pronunciation with stress in a dictionary? Are you training to be a CELTA teacher?

Hi , I'm filling in the application form for Celta and I don't understand how I should write correctly,
for example:

allow: al-low is it correct?
Your writing of "al-low" is correct for syllables, but there is no stress marking. Try al LOW or al low. But as ems said, major dictionaries will give you the syllables and the stress.
Thank you very much :up: I,ll try
Can you tell me if this is correct

This is part of a test to see if you are capable of doing a CELTA course. Not to see if we are.
If you can't yet answer these questions on your own, you might not be ready to apply to be a CELTA teacher. We wish you good luck with your application. Do please come back and tell us how you got on but, for now, we cannot assist you any more. You need to do this on your own.

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