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Jul 10, 2012
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I am a non-native speaker and will be taking CELTA in September from UK. I really don't know from where to begin. Although I am referring to Michael Swan and text book by Harmer, but still I don't know what actually the requirement is, as English is very vast. I have just been told to read five chapters from Harmer, grammar by Michael Swan and to collect picture cuttings etc if possible. But I don't what to collect as there are number of topics.
Can anyone help me out to solve the following problems:
1. What material I should carry with me?
2. What topics I need to study so to avoid confusion (English is vast).
3. Any extra reference material required?
4. What the first few days will be like - what I have to teach, little information related to the first two assignments?

1. What material I should carry with me?
Your course providers are the best people to answer this question. They know what they like trainees to have
2. What topics I need to study so to avoid confusion (English is vast).
Make sure that you know at least the names of the the parts of speech and of the tenses of the English verb. It will be useful to have some ideas of how the tenses are used; Swan will help there.
3. Any extra reference material required?
Once again, the course providers are the best people to ask. I have found that Swan's Practical English Usage and the OALD have been indispensable throughout my career. Many beginning teachers find Raymond Murphy's English grammar in Use a life-saver.
4. What the first few days will be like - what I have to teach, little information related to the first two assignments?
Ask the course providers. The structure of courses vary, so it's difficult to give a general answer.

You have paid your course providers a lot of money. Make sure that they give you in good time all the information you need.
I have just finished my CELTA. It is stressful but rewarding. I was in the same situation as you
focus on your lesson plans.
Why only read five chapters?
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