Celta interview

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Jul 20, 2011
Member Type
English Teacher
Native Language
Home Country
Russian Federation
Current Location
Russian Federation
Hi everyone,

About two weeks ago I applied for the Celta course.
I did the pre-interview task fairly well but passed the telephone interview with a couple of mistakes though the interviewer said It was ok. He asked me to write an essay and fix another interview after that.
Now I'm a bit nervous as after having sent the essay I got no feedback on that.
Looking through the forum I came acroos a message saying "perhaps the candidates that the interviewer feels are not CELTA material receive a follow-up interview with a separate interviewer to confirm the decision to deny entry to the course".:-(

Could you please comment on that if you happen to know something.
Thank you in advance!
I wouldn't worry too much yet. It seems that it is you who should contact them to arrange the interview; perhaps you will get your feedback then.
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