CELTA Interview- need some information.

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Feb 11, 2012
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Hi all,
I have been invited for an interview on Monday, and i am so nervous. I was just hoping to find out what kind of questions the interviewer will ask so I can prepare accordingly. They also mentioned that I would have to complete a short writing task. I was hoping someone could tell me what it could be about. The thing is, although I could point out all the mistakes on my pre-interview task, I had a lot of trouble trying to explain the errors. Should I be cramming grammar rules? Also, I am better at writing as compared to speaking. I get a bit nervous while speaking and my mind goes blank. Please help! Any info, suggestions or tips are most welcome. Thank you.
I know it is difficult, but try to relax. The inteviewers are not trying to catch you out. It in in their (financial) interest if you succeed! They are simply trying to assess whether you have the potential to succeed - no reputable training organisation accepts people they think might fail. So, try to bear in mind that, in the unlikely event of your being unsuccessful, that also has a positive side - you are not at risk of wasting a lot of money on a course you might well fail.

Don't try cramming grammar rules now. You will be taught how to explain grammar once you are on the course. They only want to know if you can spot mistakes and have some sort of explanation of them. If you were perfect, you wouldn't need the course. If you don't know the answer to a question they ask, say so. That will do far less harm than spouting a lot of rubbish. If you are not clear about what they are asking you, say so.

The writing task will probably be moderately straightforward - they want to check that your written English is at a level appropriate for someone who is going to teach the language. If it is about some aspect of teaching, don't try to be too clever; you're not a teacher yet.

Good luck. Let us know how it goes.
They will be looking to see whether you are suitable for the course. No one expects you to be the finished article before you start. Trying to cram grammar when you're nervous might even be counter-productive. They will probably ask you about the pre-interview task, so do think about your explanations- they'll want to know the thinking behind the answers.

Are you ready if they ask you why you want to teach, why English, etc. Think about your own educational experiences- good and bad, especially when learning languages.

What are they looking for? Someone who shows a genuine interest in the field and who has what is required to do the course successfully, which doesn't mean that you should know everything. If you did, they'd be out of work.

Good luck
Thats great. I was worried about how much grammar I had to learn for the English test on the computer. I think I have a rough idea what kind of questions they will ask me.
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