CELTA essay 3 - Authentic text

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Aug 16, 2010
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English Teacher
Halfway through my CELTA and I'm starting to plan this assignment, which involves finding an authentic reading text to develop students' skills with.

Bit confused by the instruction "Base the assignment on the pre-course reading -" followed by a list of recommended books (Scrivener, Harmer etc.)

What do they mean and can anyone recommend how to approach this task?

Many thanks

Not sure what they meant buddy but i hope you got it sorted! Judging by the date of your post I guess you did!

If you can offer any advice on assignment 2 (focus on the learner) or the last two... please do.
The last one should be impossible to fail. Focus on the learner was the one I found the most difficult. I'd suggest, if you can, record your student when you're interviewing them, because it's difficult to pick out mistakes when you're having a conversation. And get them to do a piece of writing on something. A good one is to get them to write a plot summary of their favourite film.
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