CELTA Designing a lesson on functions -- agree/disagree

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Nov 10, 2013
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I am leading in with the holiday season being a time of family, friends, celebrations -- and sometimes agreeing or disagreeing with people we only see a few times a year. Preintermediate level.

I have selected eight expressions that go from complete disagreement to complete agreement.
Students will put them on a cline. They will check their work in pairs, then we will go over in open class.

The hard part is what to include in the teaching phase -- I have never done a CELTA functions lesson before. What are the areas that are important other than politeness, formality (register?) of different responses. This is the area where I could use some helpful advice (what not to leave out, what is meaning (I think the entire sentence or phrase, not individual words), form (only if there are partly filled out statements -- what V form), pron (stress, intonation seems the focus) in a functions lesson)

Controlled practice test is a matching exercise -- the left column is the person student is having the conversation with, the statement that he/she made, and then I tell them how to respond -- partly agree, strongly disagree, etc. (I do some leading so that they can find the obvious correct response).

Freer practice will be role playing in pairs in a ladder form. Each person plays a role and is given a statement to give to the other. At first, they will go a few rounds agreeing or disagreeing according to the back of the card. Then they will be allowed to express their actual opinion with each other on the last few rounds.

Feedback on responses at the end, of course.

I would love to hear what I am missing, what I will forget, what you think could go wrong.
Welcome to the forum, missustoad.

We like to help when we can, but we can't help with assignments. Your course tutors want to see what you can produce, not what we can. If you are not sure about what you need to do, your course tutor should be available to give you some guidance.
I wasn't asking for you to do the lesson for me, I was asking for insights about FUNCTION lessons. There isn't a lot out there about language functions. Not even in the books. I have spoken to my tutor and was looking for additional insight. I have the procedure and tests done. Just thinking about how complicated functions are to teach in general.

Sorry if I did this incorrectly. I won't post again.

Welcome to the forum, missustoad.

We like to help when we can, but we can't help with assignments. Your course tutors want to see what you can produce, not what we can. If you are not sure about what you need to do, your course tutor should be available to give you some guidance.
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