Celta Application

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sarah southagte

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Oct 18, 2011
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Hi, anyone help a rusty teacher. The language analysis question in the Celta Application form wants me to :
Label the seven underlined words using grammatical terminology. The first has been done as an example.

My students rightly expect me to research my grammar before I deliver the lesson.

My = adjective rightly = adverb me = object to research = verb

grammar = noun deliver = verb the = article

Is that right?

Also the methodology section asks the following:

1. You have decided to use a newspaper article for reading practice. Here are some of the activities you have planned for the newspaper text. Decide what order you would do them in. Justify your choices.

  • The learners find examples of the past tense in the text
  • The learners read the text and answer ten questions on the information in it
  • Give the learners the headline from the article and they predict the possible content- they read to check
  • The learners discuss their opinions on the text
  • You give the learners some phrases and they match them to synonyms in the text
My answer would be c, b, a, e, d
I'm not sure if there is a definite right answer but is this a definite no?

Thank you from a hopeful future Celta student.
The course providers want to know what you know, not what we know, as they need to have some idea of whether you stand a reasonable chance of getting through the course successessfully. It would not be right for us to help you.

Do not worry too much about getting a 'high mark' in this sort of 'test'. If you answered everything perfectly, you probably wouldn't need to take the course.

Good luck with the course.
My students rightly expect me to research my grammar before I deliver the lesson.

You could expand on a few of your answers to be more exact IMO.
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