Celta Application test

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Dec 21, 2010
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Hi all I am new here. I would like some help with a Celta task application. It asks me to say what part of speech are the underlined words. I know to and go seperately but not together as in: I want to go but I can't. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I though I knew everything about parts of speech. I am thinking now I am very rusty, but it has been a long time since I sat my English exams. I am looking to moving abroad, I am studying French as that is the second language where I want to live, but would also love to teach English as they are now starting to learn English a lot and are looking for teachers. Teaching is really the best work prospects there, so I really need to brush up. Thank you in advance.
I want to go but I can't.

I am not an English teacher, but when I analyze the example you give "to go" appears to be an infinitive functioning as the object of the sentence.
Just remember that if the sentence above is not the actual one from your application "to go" could be a different part of it. By itself it is simply an infinitive.
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