CELTA application help please!

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Dec 12, 2011
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Hello forum! :)

I'm in the process of applying for the CELTA course and would really appreciate some help. There is a question on the application form which asks 'Why do you want to do this course' and after much mulling over I've decided to go with this:

I want to do this course because my long-term career goal is to become an English language teacher. In the summer of 2010 I graduated with a full honours degree in Communications and Journalism studies. I have a passion for writing with a particular interest in sports journalism, so I would like to think I have a very good understanding of the English language.

As the son of immigrants I know the hardship people face in the western world when they do not understand English. As a child growing up I regularly translated for my parents and would teach them to understand key words, phrases and how to read letters and important documents. In that sense I would say I already have some degree of unconventional teaching experience.

I think I am strongly suited to this course as I have a passion for English and would like to teach others. I have proven with my studies that I can work to deadlines and hand in assignments of very high quality. I am genuinely excited about this course, the opportunities that it can provide to teach abroad and expand my horizons whilst doing the same for others.

I hope that once I have completed this course I will be able to start a career as an English language teacher either in the UK or abroad. I would someday like to start my own school in my native Somalia and teach others what I have learned and improve their life opportunities.

Any help with punctuation and grammar would be great.


Welcome to the forum, Londoner. :hi:
Any help with punctuation and grammar would be great.
The course providers are attempting to assess, among other things, your command of English (including punctuation and grammar). It would be inappropriate for us to to help you with this.

Good luck with your application.
Go with it- it's what you feel and it argues your case well. Good luck. :up:
Thanks for the replies.

I have an interview on the 6th of January. :-D
All the best for the 6th.
Quick update!

I successfully completed the pre-course task and interview and was offered a place. I’m doing the course part-time so I’ve only had four lessons so far but things are going great. :-D
I am very pleased to hear that. :up:. I hope the rest of the course goes well for you.
Quick update!

I successfully completed the pre-course task and interview and was offered a place. I’m doing the course part-time so I’ve only had four lessons so far but things are going great. :-D

congratulation. what do they need to succeed in being offered a place ?
You have to complete the application form and tasks and take an interview.
I don't understand the point of the task, considering that we have Google who has all the answers, how does it asses an individual's ability, when that individual could get all the answers from the internet ?
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