Capping visitors in restaurants

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Feb 19, 2016
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Does "Capping visitors in restaurants" mean "Putting a limit on/limiting visitors in restaurants"?

How to stop restaurants from driving COVID infections
US mobile data suggests restaurants, gyms and cafes can be covid hotspots — and reveals strategies for limiting spread.

Capping visitors in restaurants can significantly reduce infections.Credit: Spencer Platt/Getty

Source: Nature Nov.10, 2020
Does "Capping visitors in restaurants" mean "Putting a limit on/limiting visitors in restaurants"?
Yes, it does. I should hope that it doesn't mean mandating that customers wear a cap on their head, though nothing would surprise me nowadays. :lol:
By the way, I would use "customers", "patrons" or "diners" instead of "visitors", but that article was probably written by a non-native speaker of English.
OK. Now I realize why it reads a bit odd. The author must have looked hard into dictionaries to find the words he wanted.

The author uses "concrete pointers" - what would you native English speakers use to express it?

The model, published in Nature today, also reveals how reducing occupancy in venues can significantly cut the number of infections.

The model “has concrete pointers as to what may be cost-effective measures to contain the spread of the disease, while at the same time, limiting the damage to the economy”, says Thiemo Fetzer, an economist at the University of Warwick in Coventry. “This is the policy sweet spot.”
"Concrete pointers" is fine.
I should hope that it doesn't mean mandating that customers wear a cap on their head, though nothing would surprise me nowadays. :lol:

Or murdering them. ;-)
In some places, they've gone so crazy as to spray poor little children at the school gate every morning to "disinfect" them. :shock:
And they tell us this is a respiratory disease.
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