Can you pronounce Omne vivum ex vivo at first sight?


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Feb 19, 2016
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Pasteur's (and others) empirical results were summarized in the phrase, Omne vivum ex vivo (or Omne vivum ex ovo), Latin for "all life [is] from [an] egg". This is sometimes called "law of biogenesis" and shows that modern organisms do not spontaneously arise in nature from non-life.


Biogenesis - wikidoc

Could you speak out loud Omne vivum ex vivo at first sight?
Could you speak say out loud "Omne vivum ex vivo" at first sight?
Yes. It's not particularly challenging.
"Omne" is similar to "omni", which is a prefix in English encountered in such words as "omnipresent", "omnibus", and "omnipotent".
"Vivum" and "vivo" are similar to "viva", and related to "vivid" and "vivacious".
"ex" is not difficult to say.
Does that help?
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