Can someone please proofread my personal statement?

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Jan 30, 2017
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Great Britain
Hi there,

I am applying for a digital media master in London.
My first language is german, so it would be amazing if someone could check spelling and grammar and
also if you understand what I am trying to say.

Thank you so much!
I really appreciate your help!


When I began to work for the newspaper in Austria called …… as an advertising consultant in 2013, I quickly realized that I would like to expand my knowledge of Digital Media.
I have always enjoyed the Print Media because of its organic and humble nature but soon discovered the versatility and potential that the online world has to offer. Print has a lot of restrictions due to the limited space whereas digital media has endless possibilities and no limitations at all.

After a while we introduced an online platform called ……. where I could exploit my creativity to the fullest by creating and managing digital media projects. For example…

Before that, I often felt very restricted by the print medium, even though it sold well because my costumers knew the product, it was the same process every day. This involved speaking to clients, selling print based advertisements and thinking about the design and how it would look in the end.

However, digital media opened up a whole new world of online advertising. The designs could suddenly move, people responded immediately and it allowed for statistics to be measured more effectively. This is what made me realize that I want to deepen my understanding of digital media. I discovered my creative streak, which I could express with the help of this medium.

It was about that time that I discovered my dad’s old analogue photo camera in our basement. I immersed myself into the world of photography and I haven’t stopped since. I unearthed a passion for photography that I would previously never have given much thought too, but it turned out it was immensely helpful for my profession too. It not only helped to come up with new, creative ways to reach busy and distracted consumers on our social media channels, but also to create an understanding of what the brand is trying to communicate.

Recently, my interest has expanded in digital video production through training in our company’s academy. The digital video production demonstrates a great potential of developing awareness and holds the power not only to advertise, but challenges us to gain a greater insight of the world. I am hoping to become more experienced in the creative and narrative side of media, such as the digital video production. This is also closely related to my interest in animation. My girlfriend, who is a 2D Animator opened my eyes to this medium and since then I would help her to take on small animation jobs such as colouring in Photoshop. I feel that gaining a better understanding of how storytelling can push the limit of how a story or a product can be perceived helped me to think differently about the narrative point of view in digital media. I want to explore this in more depth and think about other ways how this this knowledge can be applied to my own profession in order to push the understanding of digital storytelling.

After 11 years of work experience I already have a good insight and knowledge of the field but I want to be more ambitious within my career and push my expertise but most importunately challenge myself. There are so many career opportunities in the digital media sector that it almost feels overwhelming and I personally feel I need more time to expand my knowledge and have time to exploit other forms of digital media, which my very tightened timetable in the industry currently does not allow.
I want to focuse on different aspects and I want to challenge my more creative side aswell as testing and improvig my theoretical skills. I eagerly want to gain more knowledge of how Digital Media is used in the UK because I have always admired it’s long-established traditions not only in education but also in politics, and sports.
I am particularly interested in the modules offered by the course, as I believe it would challenge me to better my theoretical knowledge and improve my technical skills at the same time.

In addition, I would look forward to the opportunity to develop an interactive final project. The interactive side of this field has always been the most exciting, whether in the form of online videos or other interactive design projects. As a problem solver, I enjoy inventing solutions for design and creative products that enable the user to achieve their objectives most effectively. This course would also help me to achieve me to develop more theoretical research skills in the area of interactive media and digital communication.

My ambition is to immerse myself further in the world of digital media, to be more experimental and to be a part of a community of students who share the same passion for Digital Media. Upon visiting the open day and from studying the module structure, I am certain I have found the right place to continue my studies. Leaving the comfort of home and moving to a different country would not only be beneficial for my practical work but also for my personal development. The central London location will allow me further to explore a city I have come to love, and with motivated tutors, a specialisation I my filed of interest, I believe the… will be the ideal place for me to continue exploring the wonderful world of Digital Media.
When I began working for the XYZ newspaper in Austria in 2013, I quickly realized that I wanted to expand my knowledge of digital media.

I have always enjoyed the print media because of its organic and humble nature but soon discovered the versatility and potential that the online world has to offer. Print has a lot of restrictions due to the limited space, whereas digital media has endless possibilities and no limitations at all. We introduced an online platform called CCC, where I could exploit my creativity to the fullest by creating and managing digital media projects such as DDD.

Before that, I often felt very restricted by the print medium. Even though it sold well because my costumers knew the product, it was the same process every day. This involved speaking to clients, selling print-based advertisements and thinking about the design and how it would look in the end. However, digital media opened up a whole new world of online advertising for me . The designs could suddenly move, and people responded immediately. That allowed for statistics to be measured more effectively. This is what made me realize that I wanted to deepen my understanding of digital media. I discovered my creative streak, which I could express with the help of this medium.

It was about that time that I discovered my dad’s old analogue camera in our basement. I immersed myself in the world of photography, and I haven’t looked back since. That not only helped to come up with new and creative ways to reach busy and distracted consumers on our social media channels, but also to create an understanding of what the brand is trying to communicate.

Recently, my interest has expanded into digital video production as a result of training in our company’s academy. I am hoping to become more experienced in this creative and narrative aspect of media production. This is also closely related to my interest in animation. My girlfriend, who is a 2D Animator, introduced me to this medium. I often help her to take on small animation jobs such as colouring in Photoshop. I want to explore this in greater depth and think about other ways how it can be applied to my own profession, especially in digital storytelling.

After 11 years of work experience, I already have a good insight and knowledge of the field, but I want to be more skilled in my profession and enhance my expertise, but most importunately challenge myself. I eagerly want to gain more knowledge of how digital media is used in the UK because I have always admired the UK's long-established traditions not only in education but also in politics, and sports. I am particularly interested in the modules offered by this course, as I believe they would help me to gain a better theoretical knowledge and improve my technical skills at the same time.

In addition, I look forward to the opportunity to develop an interactive final project. As a problem solver, I enjoy inventing solutions for design and creative products that enable the user to achieve their objectives most effectively. This course would also help me to acquire theoretical research skills in the area of interactive media and digital communication.

My ambition is to immerse myself further in the world of digital media, to be more experimental and to be a part of a community of students who share the same passion for digital media. After attending the open day and learning about the module structure, I am certain I have found the right place to continue my studies.

Leaving the comfort of home and moving to a different country would not only be beneficial for my practical work, but also for my personal development. The central London location will allow me further to explore a city I have come to love. I believe the… will be the ideal place for me to continue exploring the wonderful world of digital media.
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