Can anyone help verify my CELTA application please?

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Jun 2, 2011
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Hello, I'm trying to fill out an application for a CELTA course and I just wanted to check that I had answered my questions correctly and if I could improve them in any way. Theres a couple of small parts of questions i cant answer, I've put them in red.

Language Correction

underline the mistake and state what type of mistake it is
write the correct version and name the part of speech or grammatical form
explain briefly why the corrected version is preferable

1. I need some advices

- Grammatical error
- I need some advice
- 'advice' is both plural and singular.

2. I am watching TV every night.

- Grammatical error
- I watch TV every night
- The wrong tense has been used 'I am watching TV every night' is present tense whereas 'I watch TV every night' is present continuous.

3. Person A:Have you see John Recently?
Person B: Yes, I have seen him last week.

- Grammatical error
- I saw him last week.
- The wrong tense has been used 'I have seen him last week' is past continuous, however, 'I saw him last week.' is in the past tense.

4. Person A: Morning, mate. What can i get you?
Person B: I wonder if you would mind giving me a packet of Benson and Hedges.

- Error in style
- I would like a packet of Benson and Hedges.
- The original reply is too formal, the use of both 'if you' and ' would mind giving me' are unnecessary.

5. I not come to college everyday. I only come on Mondays and Fridays.

- Grammatical error
- I don't attend college everyday, only on Mondays and Fridays
- 'I not come to college everyday' does not make sense, the word 'not' is a negative word whereas 'come' is a positive word. Therefore it is still a negative and so don't should be used instead.

Approaches to Teaching and Learning

What problems might your students have in understanding and pronouncing these sentences?

1. I've got a new watch.

Understanding - Watch can have two meanings
Pronouncing - Because new ends with a 'w' and watch starts with a 'w' the sound blurs.

2. I've got a brother.

Understanding - Im unsure on this.
Pronouncing - brother isn't pronounced phonetically and sounds like 'bruther'

3 I've got a stomach-ache

Understanding - 'stomach-ache' would have to be explained as indigestion would be a better word.
Pronouncing - The last syllable of stomach is the same sound as ache.

Outline how you could teach these

I'm not very good at working out how to teach things well, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Learning English

Students generally have a number of problems learning English. Outline the three major problems of Grammar, Pronunciation and Vocabulary.


- Different tenses
- Singular and Plural words
- Homophones


- Sound of letters
- Silent letters in words
- Words such as telephone with two letters together that make a different sound, 'ph' makes a 'f' sound.


- Students may not know the right word but one that is synonymous
- Small vocabulary
- Couldn't think of a last one

Thank you so much for anyone that reads through this. It would be a great help as i really want to get onto this course!!
Please do not repeat threads.

I explained to you in the other thread why we could not answer this. I'll repeat it here:

The course providers are interested in what you know, and don't know. It is in your own interest to complete the application yourself - unaided, unless you have been told that you may refer to grammar books.

Don't worry if you don't give perfect answers. If you did, you probably wouldn't need the course.
I thought this might be a more appropriate section to get some help in. I have been looking through other CELTA threads and most have had some of their questions verified. That was all i was asking.

Also, the CELTA course doesn't teach you better usage or grammatical knowledge, its based around developing your teaching skills.
The CELTA application might be to see how much you know, but it's also supposed to be a learning process, as far as I know. Someone on my course said that it was returned to him twice, and he was asked to go away and resubmit it. Ours was a bit longer than that though, and we were told to complete it with the help of a grammar book.

I think you need to brush up a bit on your tenses. In question 2, for example, present continuous is still a present tense, it's just not present simple, which is what it should be because it's a routine rather than an action in progress.

1. Look at countable/uncountable nouns.
2. Look at present simple vs. present continuous.
3. It's not past continuous.
4. Still too formal imo.
5. Why change the sentence so much? You only need to add "do."

1/2/3. I'm guessing what they're getting at here are the three different meanings of "have got," rather than the stuff that follows. And most students will have trouble with the th sound in brother, rather than the non-phonetic spelling.

Grammar: I wouldn't class homophones as a grammar issue.

Pronunciation: I think you three pronunciation problems are all essentially the same problem of non-phonetic spelling. One you might want to look into is interference from L1. So my Vietnamese learners, for example, will often miss off final consonants, because that's what you usually do in Vietnamese. They will also struggle to differentiate between P and B for the same reason. The exact problems will vary from language to language, but they all have them.

Vocab: You can mention homophones here.
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