[Grammar] can anyone help me fix the grammar in these sentences...

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Aug 10, 2017
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United States
1.There are been reports that a lot of people have been pulled over by police, because they were live streaming while driving and some of them even crashed.
2. People will post something that hooks your interest, and makes you want to tap on the link.
3. Another example of this daily status trend includes checkig in to expensive hotels, and posting pictures of your person's belongings, shopping.
4. No, it can hurt that person who is sitting or i have seen that while doing that the prankster can hurt himself and if someone finds it funny they will try this at their home and can hurt themselves.
5. Although living in a country like the United States is not that easy, buy having online connection facilitate me in a way that i do not feel very homesick.
1.There [STRIKE]are[/STRIKE] have been reports that a lot of [STRIKE]people[/STRIKE] motorists have been pulled over by police[STRIKE] because they were live streaming while driving and some of them even crashed.[/STRIKE] for using their smartphones while driving.
Why live streaming (for watching videos) in particular? If there had been a crash, pulling a motorist over is out of question.

2. People will post something on the internet that [STRIKE]hooks[/STRIKE] arouse your interest/entice you, and makes you want to tap on the link.

3. Another example of this daily status trend (daily internet fads?) includes checking into expensive hotels, and posting pictures of[STRIKE] your person[/STRIKE] one's belongings and shopping items.

4. No, it can hurt that person who is sitting ( what does this mean?) or i have seen that while doing that (some kind of stunt?) the prankster can hurt himself and if someone finds it funny, they will try this at [STRIKE]their[/STRIKE] home and can hurt themselves. The whole sentence is not clear.

5. Although living in a country like the United States is not that easy, [STRIKE]buy having online connection facilitate me in a way that i do not feel very homesick[/STRIKE] having access to the internet helps alleviate the feeling of homesickness
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