Bruce liked joining in declamation contests.

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Jun 5, 2020
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Bruce liked joining in declamation contests.

Is this sentence grammatically correct?

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Asked on at least one other forum.
Please do not post the same question simultaneously to more than one forum. Doing so wastes our valuable time. Instead, post your question to one forum and wait for replies. If you're not satisfied with those replies, you can try another forum, but please indicate in your thread that you've already asked the same question elsewhere (provide a link), and outline why you were not satisfied with the answers you received already.
Kindly provide your thoughts on this as there was no explanation on the other forum. Thanks
Would “joining” / “joining in” be acceptable as well?
In my opinion "joining (in)" is barely acceptable in that a native speaker would certainly guess the meaning, but it isn't very natural. This may be a difference between AmE and BrE.
You can join a conversation. You can join in with a conversation. There are other things you can "join" or "join in with". A contest/competition isn't one of those things.
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