Breaking In The Habit

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Dec 30, 2006
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The mission of Breaking In The Habit is to evangelize and catechize in the Franciscan spirit in order to promote faith, energize communities, inspire active involvement, and encourage vocations to consecrated life.
What does the phrasal verb "break in" mean in the quotation?
Did you check UsingEnglish's very own list of phrasal verbs? Here's the entry for "break in".
Did you check UsingEnglish's very own list of phrasal verbs? Here's the entry for "break in".
1. Go into a building to steal something.
2. Interrupt something.
3. Train a horse to be ridden.
4. Carefully use new products until they are fully functional.
He's a relatively young monk so I assume he hasn't been one for long. 'Breaking in the habit' seems to mean 'getting used to being a monk', at least on one level.
3. Train a horse to be ridden.
4. Carefully use new products until they are fully functional.
It's a variation of both these. It also plays on two meanings of the word "habit".
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